Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A Letter from the... Uh... Pitcher...

Although I'm not really sure why since he's not the coach or manager... but apparently he's good at making colorful charts in Excel!! Anyway...

Oxy Morons,

We have all been waiting for this day to come! The Sports Complex has been wondering what happened to the greatest show on dirt. The Oxy Morons brought a new level level of fun and excitement to D league softball. Everyone heard us coming...they heard us all game long...heckling umpires and players alike...and they heard us leave (almost forced to leave at times)...This year we vow to drink more, heckle more, sustain less injuries (includes running into fences) and WIN! Alright...Winning is not in the cards, but we sure will have fun. For those of you who are new to the team, you may want to buckle your seat belts cause it is gonna be a crazy ride. You may also want to hit up Kim to see some of the pics and blogs from last year so you know what you are getting yourself into...

All nicknames from last year are null and void. We will all earn new Nicknames as the season unfolds a chapter at a time...Ha!

I have attached our Oxy Moron Schedule, Positional Chart and Stat Sheet that we will be using throughout the season.

For those of you who already informed us that you could not make a game, I have updated the Schedule. If there is a game that you can not make, please let me know.

Obviously, where we currently have you penciled in on the Positional Chart is not set in stone and will change as we experience no-shows, injuries or too-drunk-to-plays.


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