Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Shock and Awe

No favoritism here... we'll let anyone write...

Moron's fans were in awe last night when the impossible nearly happened. Both teams gave it their all and proved that the Morons can be serious contenders in the playoffs. And the fans? Out of this world...the cheering keeps getting better by the week.
However, the shock came in the post-game press conference held at the Sportsplex bar. It began when Kim "The Blue Iguana" Carsten, candidly and unexpectedly, broke story after story involving a wide range of topics (old friends at the Blue Iguana, online dating, etc...) which left Morons amused but baffled. It must have hit close to home for our coach T-Roy "I dropped the soap" Davis, because following the Iguana's stories, he stood up and began: "My name is T-Roy and it has been seven weeks since I've been in a steam room..." not knowing how to react, a couple of team-mates awkwardly clapped in encouragement. T-Roy went on to share his frankly disturbing "Sauna" story and left us (I think I speak for all of us) uncomfortably smiling trying to show some sympathy (OK, I may have embellished the story a little bit). T-Roy probably wishes he had not shared the details of the sauna incident with his team-mates, but T-Roy "thanks for sharing", we'll get a lot of mileage out of this one. For those of you who missed the post-game debriefing, ask around...good times.
Good game all. I can't wait for the playoffs.

Testes 1-2 1-2....
As for "asking around"... I disagree... you gotta stay for the afterhours if you want to know the dirty details! As they say... What happens in the Ghettoplex Bar stays in the Ghettoplex Bar!! Kim

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