Friday, June 19, 2009

Practice/Happy Hour

Mandatory meeting at Velvet Melvin immediately following practice next Wednesday (June 24). Topics include tailgating in parking lot, unwanted beer tickets and no-shows from each week buy the first round the following Tuesday.


Anonymous said...

This is already becoming too demanding!! If you don't want your beer tickets, I will be glad to take them off your hands!! I spoke with Russell, he said he has the first round every week....Helluva a guy!!

Anonymous said...

McCoy said if the temp is over 95deg he will be practicing in the Borat Mankini

Kim... PR Rep said...

No offense but did we REALLY need a visual on that???

I've got one word for ya... CHAFING my friend... CHAFING!

Anonymous said...

I don't know what is worse...the fact that Russell has that site bookmarked under his favorites...or that he thinks about McCoy while on the site?!?!?!?

Kim... PR Rep said...

Well I'm glad some of us are having fun with this blog!

Anonymous said...

You could hang yourself getting in and out of that Mankini!!! And We can't afford to loose any players!!